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4 Weeks

About the Course

The meditation bases course for beginners and already experienced, where after a month of 15 exercises and 2 webinars you will be able to learn to meditate so that the 15 minutes you dedicate to meditation can be one of the most beneficial in your life.

El curso de bases de meditación para principiantes y ya experimentados, donde tras un mes de 15 ejercicios y 2 webinars podrás aprender a meditar para que los 15 minutos que dediques a la meditación puedan ser de los más beneficiosos en tu vida.

Your Instructor

Ekaterina Bogdanova

Ekaterina CEO of Ekzotery. She is a person who has been dedicated to quantum practices and meditation since she was 12 years old, although did not know that it was called like that. After many years of testing in various fields and learning from many teachers, in the official coaching schools and other ways of learning everything that has to do with esoterics, she has developed a style of work and understanding of the subject that is quite own with a particular and healing point of view and what is even more valuable, practical and useful.

Ekaterina Bogdanova
Stationary photo

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